
Ever think about your presence on Earth? This life is a miracle and all life on it, but what is even more amazing is the experience. We do not all have the same path; yet still, we endure - we live ... together. We experience the same world of today, while hearing of whispers in the past and trying to look forward to the future. So many words are said about being in the present, but some of us fail to see our very own cycle in current times. We all have flaws - we fail in a way in which we may not see or recognize, or can even rationalize and that is because most if not all of us need to self-evaluate by looking deep within ourselves to see not only what we want to see, but what others might see and past ones might also see - though, this is all an illusion in the sense that our reality is tied to this planet and the fact that most of us have a need to seek love, shelter and endurance. Some of us do look deep within, however, and see our own cycle and how we must break certain cycles - ones that no longer serve our own sense of well-being, which many of us know what is and how to do it - how to break free of broken cycles. We know we must live with purpose or face a recycle.

yang harmony balance
Photo by Mohamed Hassan at PxHere