It is true! Some of us follow the stars in hopes of determining what type of energy will rule the day or why some us feel a certain way. In truth, it does help to follow aspects of Astrology since it works in terms of energy, synchronicity, and character. According to one's birth chart, a person is born with certain tendencies which are categorized by 12 signs located in 12 major constellations which surround the Earth. The Sun is our Awareness, the moon our emotions, and to the East, our Rising Sign awakens us toward our individual growth. Indeed, there are many aspects of Astrology which may be useful to some, if not most people.
Right now, many of us might be in need of healing. There were fierce retrogrades which occurred this year of 2018. A lot of us may be seeking more positive vibes for the upcoming year, if we are following the Gregorian calendar; though, it is wise to remember the Northern Hemisphere of the planet is currently turned away from the sun while the other side is experiencing warmth and energy. Now may be the time to simply curl up and focus on inner work or surroundings which resonate a type of warmth and positivity. If one is in great need of healing, one may have to turn to friends, a hobby, or even a vacation spot to a warm, vibrant location. There are many choices, nowadays, so there is no real reason to not attempt healing. Many of us might just have to focus on inner work and outer surroundings.