The true essence of Life and Love, is infinite possibilities to exist. Letting go of what one thinks should be the way of Life, and instead, opening up to what exists and what was given to each and every one of us - the breath of Life, our own existence, and our capability to grow and endeavor - we have truly experienced the miracle of Life, of existence, and of being free in our essence of purely living if we have let go and allowed all to exist in a way that is promising. We are here to experience these moments in an environment in which we can build or let go - let others live in a manner which is non-threatening, but also, in cooperation. Each of us are here to collaborate and find solutions to exist - to just be, in our natural form of living, which is to breathe and to exist. Sure, there are many ways of living and some are not as peaceful as desired, some may even try to alter their environment and not care of impact toward others, but in the end, purity is all that exists - what we came with into this world and what we will leave with it - our essence, our soul, our very cells that hold the ingredients of life - which is pure essence.